What We Offer


The Magnolia difference

Our team at Magnolia Grove has the experience and expertise to partner with brokers to provide best in class environmental insurance solutions. We focus on offering solutions to address the needs of contractors, consultants, facilities, and manufacturers. Whether you are in need of a solution to fill a gap for pollution coverage for a specific project or you have a complex environmental account that needs a package policy and excess coverage or anything in between, the team at Magnolia Grove is here to help find the solution that fits.

What we offer

Committed to long term partnerships

At Magnolia Grove, we put a premium on the partnerships we have in place. This is the reason we have chosen to take a limited distribution model where we can truly partner with brokers for their environmental insurance needs. We are here to partner long term with brokers for their needs within the environmental insurance marketplace. We don’t work with just any broker, but ones that have decided they want a true partner to work with over the long haul.

Business Segments

Magnolia Grove has the capabilities to offer monoline pollution liability, environmental package liability, and excess liability products.


Monoline Contractors Pollution Liability

Magnolia Grove can offer a monoline contractors pollution liability policy for most non-environmental contracting classes of business. This product is designed to address the exposure of bodily injury, property damage, and/or cleanup costs resulting from the contracting operations of an Insured away from their own site. The minimum premium for this product starts at $1,000.


Monoline Site Pollution Liability

Magnolia Grove can offer a monoline site pollution liability policy for many fixed site properties. This product is designed to address the exposure of bodily injury, property damage, and/or cleanup costs that occur on an Insured’s own site and/or migrate to a third party’s site. The minimum premium for this product starts at $1,000.


Environmental Package Liability

Magnolia Grove can offer an environmental liability package policy for environmental classes of business that include contracting, consulting, facilities, and product manufacturers/distributors. The coverage lines available in this product include Commercial General Liability, Contractors Pollution Liability, Site Pollution Liability, Products Pollution Liability, and Professional Liability. The minimum premium for this product starts at $2,000.


Follow Form Excess Liability

Magnolia Grove can offer a follow form excess liability policy to sit excess of our environmental package policy and can schedule on another carrier’s business auto liability and/or employer’s liability policies. Magnolia Grove can also provide a follow form excess liability policy over a monoline pollution liability policy or environmental package liability/follow form excess policies if they are placed with another environmental market. The minimum premium for this product starts at $2,000.